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No New Years Resolutions

Happy New Year! I am excited to begin my professional journey, for the Nth time. I can only presume that I'm not the only one who has procrastinated and fallen short of their goals. Every January 1, many people reflect on the last year and make their New Years Resolutions. However, this 2024, I will be taking a different approach to self improvement. Instead of setting goals such as: Get and keep my handicap at 0 or better. Read 1 book a month. Learn to do an "L" sit. Instead, remember why we want to achieve these goals. I want to play golf at a high level where I can compete with a chance to win. I want to expand my mind and become a smarter and more well rounded individual. I want to be as physically healthy as I can so I can play golf and ski and take care of my family my entire life. This will help you consistently work towards being the best you every day creating healthy habits and crashing through the ceiling set by your goals. Give it a try and let me know how it goes!

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